Monday 22 July 2013

Holding people to account

The former head of UK Intelligence is apparently threatening to blow the whistle on Blair's lies on WMD.

I can hardly wait.

Closer to home my own little complaint about being treated without respect by Age UK Oxfordshire continues to be treated without respect or consideration.

I have no option but to write directly to the chair of trustees.

If she ignores me I will talk to a lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. comment from a colleague. Chris Sivewright Ahhh Age UK. A charity no less. I wrote to their Chairperson saying I had a load of ideas I thought would help the people the charity helps i.e. the old. 4 months later he had not replied even though I had written offering - not asking - help. Eventually I got a reply and he said he was not interested in any of my ideas, ideas that i had not told him. Yes...Age UK. they were looking for trustees. I wrote in, showing interest and asking for details. By the time they had replied the closing date for applications had long gone. Yes...Age UK.
